Payment Policy
Self-pay clients:
If requested, we will provide you with a superbill suitable for you to submit to your insurance. The superbill (which will also serve as a payment receipt) will be coded appropriately to the level of service provided during the visit. You agree to pay me at the time of the visit (cash, check, credit card, or FSA).
If we are billing your insurance:
We will submit your fees for your insurance company's consideration. Ultimately, each client remains responsible for full payment for services. If your insurance's usual and customary allotment for each procedure satisfies your account; then you will have no remaining balance. Any remaining balances after insurance coverage are your responsibility. You are responsible for providing me with accurate insurance information and informing me of any changes in your insurance status; if you do not have coverage at the time I see you, you will be responsible to pay me at my self-pay rate. A $30 deposit is required to book an appointment for any plans in which we are out of network providers - this deposit is refundable upon payment by your insurance company.
Practice Better/SquareUp Policies:
Payments may be made electronically using a credit card or fund transfer. We use Practice Better/SquareUp to process payments. Practice Better/SquareUp meets the high standards of HIPAA and the banking industry for security and privacy with regard to financial transactions. However, Practice Better/SquareUp may send, automatically or per your request, email or text message receipts that reveal personal health information such as the date and type of lactation visit. If you are not comfortable with this, payment may be made via cash or check instead.